8 Tips To Avoid The Fall Slump In Your Studies

You are confused, maybe even bored a little. You started a new class a few weeks ago, for the new school year, and you already feel overwhelmed. You were so excited about this new online class because you really wanted to learn something new, but you now struggle to do your homework or review before the following class, which makes you feel like you are not progressing the way you should. What is going on? If this sounds like you, read on - we have solutions!

We know how it goes: at the end of the summer, we get (more or less!) ready to go back to school and resume our study routine for the Fall. There is usually some excitement that comes with that time of year because it feels like a new start, a new beginning, and a new opportunity to learn. The start of a new class is generally very motivating, but as the weeks go by, we might experience a slump, especially when it just happens to be the Fall season, perhaps because days are starting to get shorter, the weather gets a little gloomy and cold, and there are a lot of germs going around!

This year let's shake things up and get ready for a productive Fall season with your new class insha'Allah with these 8 tips to avoid the Fall slump in your studies!

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1. Set your expectations right

We live in a day and age when the need for instant gratification is everywhere and can easily spoil our progress in life. Nowadays, it is so easy to get things done: groceries from your phone delivered directly to your door, super-fast shipping that prevents you from looking forward and anticipating your order anxiously (oh, it's already here I guess..!), little devices that you can voice command to turn lights on and off, applications that use Wi-Fi to allow you to set the ideal temperature in your home before you even get there, social media accounts that constantly have new things to share. Do we keep going?

Then comes your class: after three lessons, you wonder when you will finally be able to have a conversation with a native Arabic speaker, but you can barely pronounce half of the letters of the Arabic alphabet. Do you see the very first issue that we need to address?

Your learning will take time, and that's normal. Be realistic about how fast you can progress, and do not expect your teacher to do miracles if you are not putting in the work.

That first tip was a little harsh, but we all need a good reminder.


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