Understand Quran

 Isn’t it amazing how many times Allah describes the Quran as an Arabic book, i.e., a book in the Arabic language? Allah has made the book in the Arabic Language, so it is easy to understand Quran. He, `azza wajal (May He be praised and exalted) says for example,

These verses serve as a great reminder for us that while we can appreciate many of the meanings and lessons of the Quran in English (or any other language), its original Arabic form holds an extremely special place and has extremely special significance.

Here is a great quote on the topic, taken from the introduction to Yusuf Estes’ Tafsir Ibn Kathir Project:

Many misconceptions, misquotes, misunderstandings and misrepresentations are tossed around in the media, news and public discussions about Islam and what it teaches.

The solution is to go back to the original source in the original language as understood by the people who first heard the Quran from the lips of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, along with his own definitions and explanations.

The good news is the Quran exists today in its entirety, exactly as it at the time of the prophet, peace be upon him.

The prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, heard the words directly from the Angel Gabriel (Jibril in Arabic) and these words were memorized by Muhammad, peace be upon him, and then recited to his companions, who then memorized and passed on these same words to their followers and this has continued to this very day.

The first word Angel Gabriel spoke to Muhammad, peace be upon him, was “Iqra”, which comes from the same root for Quran, and it was a command to “Recite!”

Immediately we see the importance of going back to the most authentic and original source – the Quran in Arabic – to better understand the Quran and its meanings.

May Allah help us in our Arabic studies, and our quest to understand the Quran in its original language so that ‘we might understand’! Ameen!


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