6 Tips To (Re)boost Your Emaan Halfway Through Ramadan

 Some studies conducted in Muslim countries in previous years have shown a huge increase in TV and online video streaming viewership during the month of Ramadan. This is most likely the case for Muslim homes in non-Muslim countries as well. Let's give the benefit of the doubt and assume that there is a spike in interest in Islamic lectures and Quran recitation videos during this time of year.

Check yourself and be honest: how much time are you spending scrolling through social media posts, binge watching the latest shows, or watching the news for three hours straight before iftar?

It's not too late to make a few changes to your daily routine! Ask Allah SWT for His help and try this out:

  • Whenever you feel like checking your social media, make dhikr and dua instead.
  • Whenever you feel like watching another episode of that show, pick up the Quran and read instead, even if it's a translation.
  • Whenever you feel yourself reaching out for that remote again, consider enrolling in a Quran class to keep you busy everyday at that time and increase your understanding of the Book of Allah SWT!

If you feel like you can't do this on your own, ask a close friend to become your Ramadan buddy to check on you and help you be accountable.

Read More: https://studioarabiya.com/blog/6-tips-to-boost-your-emaan-halfway-through-ramadan


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