What is the Significance of Arabic in Islam and Why You Need to Master the Language

While reading the Quran, in daily prayers and even in simple everyday conversations with one another, Arabic tends to simply roll off the tongue of Muslims. Still, it has been observed that around ninety percent of the Muslims of the world do not speak Arabic as their native language. The pronunciation of Arabic can be accented or broken, but still many people of the Muslim community make attempts to understand and speak the language. These days,online Arabic classesare also available to make it easy for beginners to master the language.

Significance of Arabic in Comprehending the Faith of Islam

Muslims are one big community of believers of Islam despite their racial, cultural and linguistic differences. The community is based on their common faith in Allah and the guidance he has bestowed on the mankind. The ultimate revelation of Allah to the mankind was in the form of the beautiful Quranthat was sent around fourteen hundred years ago to Mohammad in the language of Arabic. Therefore, Arabic language works as the common link that joins the vast community of believers of Islam and it serves as a uniting element that makes sure that believers share common ideas.

From the time of the revelation of the Quran, its original Arabic text has been preserved. Even though translations of the holy text has been done in several languages but all are based on the original text in Arabic that has not altered in several centuries. If one has to completely understand the greatness of Allah through the beauty of the Quran, they need to make an attempt to understand and learn how to speak Arabic fluently.

Since learning Arabic is vital to the comprehension of Quran, many Muslims make an attempt to at least get well versed in the basics of it. And a few Muslims pursue further study so that they can understand the complete text of the holy Quranin its original form. 

Arabic Language - the Background 

Arabic, both its modern form and the classic literary form are categorized as Central Semitic languages. Classic Arabic is closely related to other Semitic languages like Hebrew and first emerged in Mesopotamia and northern Arabia during the Iron Age. Though the language may appear quite outlandish to those whose native language derives from the branch of Indo-European languages, a lot of Arabic words are part of the vocabulary of Western languages due to the influence of Arabic culture on Europe during the medieval period. And since, modern Arabic is closely based on the classic form of the language, the native speakers of modern Arabic or other closely associated languages do not face difficulties in learning classic Arabic. Almost all citizens of Northern Africa and the Middle East are well versed in modern Arabic and many other Asian and Central European languages have been highly influenced by it. This shows that a good population of the world is already well-equipped to learn classic Arabic. Also, these days, various online Arabic classesare available which makes it easy for people to master the language.

The Arabic language is written from right to left and utilizes its own distinctive script which may appear complicated to many. Nevertheless, Arabic comprises of a simple alphabet which when mastered is extremely precise in conveying the accurate pronunciation of all words. When one opts tolearn Arabic online,they get access to a range of books and audiotapes along with coursework which makes it easy for them to get fluent in the language. Islam is one of the premier religions of the world and is also among the fastest growing ones and Quran holds the essence of Islam. Thus, learning and understanding the Quran in its original Arabic form offers a method of nurturing unity and getting closer to the world and Allah.

Studio Arabiya Institute aims to promote Islam via the teaching of the Quran and the Arabic language. We offer online classes for both kids and adults which makes it easy for them to get closer to their roots. The teachers at Studio Arabiya are chosen from the best Islamic University, Al- Azhar University to ensure that our students receive the best of teachings. Our online courses in the Arabic language will help you gain fluency in the language thereby helping you understand and learn the Quran more effectively. 



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