8 Benefits of Virtual Learning

 Virtual learning, remote education, online classes: there are many names to refer to what has become our "new normal" almost overnight. The COVID-19 pandemic forced countless schools, universities and other places of education all around the globe to close and, when possible, to figure their way through virtual learning. Overall, the experience has been (and in many places continues to be) stressful for educators, parents and students alike. This is mostly because everyone had to very quickly adjust to a new system that they were not used to and could not anticipate, while also having to juggle with overwhelming emotions triggered by stay-at-home orders, the spread of a deadly virus, telework, and sometimes layoffs.  

If we pause for just a second though, step back, and take the time to reflect, we can quickly realize that quality virtual learning has many incredible benefits, besides saving the day to education during a global pandemic. And breaking news: virtual learning is nothing new! We can find references of "distance learning" and "correspondence study" as early as the 1730s! Although there were no computers or Internet then (Insta-what?), it gives us the bigger picture of the history and experience that pour into today's virtual learning. In this article, we highlight a handful of the many benefits that virtual learning has to offer, if you give it a chance!

Bringing education where YOU are

Whether your child's school, your university or the educational program at your local mosque had to close due to the COVID-19 pandemic, or you just live in an area where educational options are very limited, virtual learning is truly your way - sometimes your only way - to quality education and knowledge. This is especially true for Islamic education (Arabic, Quran and Islamic Studies), which is not easily accessible in the West. You might ask: but isn't it better to go to an Arabic-speaking country to earn Arabic? Yes, learning Arabic in Egypt for instance is always a better choice. That is, IF the option is open to you. The reality is, for many of us out there, it is not - pandemic or not. We might have responsibilities (family, work, other studies), financial restraints, health issues or other specific situations that keep us where we are. The good news is that today, virtual learning can bring Egypt into your living room thanks to online Arabic classes with expert, native Arabic teachers for instance - and you can still travel to Egypt later insha'Allah!

No moving notice or headache

We all move, and we move a lot. Whether we are just moving to a nearby city, different part of town, or across states or even countries, we all experience the hassle of planning, packing, and pestering that a move involves. To give some perspective, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, "a person in the United States can expect to move 11.7 times in their lifetime". That's 11 new homes, 11 changes of address, possibly 11 new schools if you have children, and 11 new headaches when you try to find a local program that will allow you or your child to continue the education you had started at the previous residential location. With virtual learning, education will be the one thing that you won't have to worry about: you will still be able to attend the same class, with the same teacher, on the same day, at the same time (even if you moved time zones, provided your online institute offers classes 24/7). For Islamic education specifically, an online Quran or Arabic class will allow you or your child to have continuity and stability in your learning.

Accessible from anywhere

This is pretty self-explanatory, but we can easily overlook this benefit. When you take online classes, you can usually access them from anywhere with your device. All you need is an Internet connection. You won't have to worry about hazardous weather conditions, traffic, commute time (use that extra time to study :)), or worse, a pandemic.

Flexibility and convenience

Nowadays, everyone lives a pretty busy life: demanding job (sometimes more than one), long commute, multiple extracurricular activities for the kids (or absence thereof - the fact that many are canceled due to COVID-19 can make it more difficult for parents and kids to compensate in other ways), etc. Yet, it is still important to pursue the educational goals you have set for yourself and/or for your children. Virtual learning gives you the flexibility your schedule needs and the convenience that your mind craves: you can learn at any time, from the comfort of your home (or any other place that you deem comfortable, no questions asked!)

Flexibility and convenience - bis

This is not a typo, we really meant to write "flexibility and convenience" twice, because we know what parenting is like. You want the best education for your child but it can be hard to really engage and track their progress when so much time and energy is spent on commuting and working out everyone's schedules. With online classes, you not only save time that can be spent in a different way, you also have more energy to connect with your child and talk with them about what they have learnt in class and to communicate with their teacher to monitor their progress and their challenges. This is especially important for your child's Islamic education as there is a higher purpose in enrolling them in a Quran class for instance, and children are an amanah (trust). If you need some help with your child's online learning, for their secular or religious education, make sure to read our blog article with 16 Tips To Improve Your Child's Virtual Learning Experiences.

More options available

Sometimes, we get excited about a new educational program starting in our area, only to find out that it is only in Arabic/Urdu (think whichever you don't speak :)), or that it's only for young kids/teenagers (think whichever group your child doesn't belong to), or that you are not interested in the specific topic it will address. With virtual learning, there are options for everyone, no matter the language, the age or the interests. Now your only problem will be to pick from those many options - which is a good problem to have, alhamdulillah!

Tailored learning

One of the biggest issues with traditional education in a classroom is that everyone in that classroom gets the same: the same teacher, the same delivery, the same content, the same method, the same approach. But research and experience have shown that we do not all have the same needs when it comes to education. A lecture-style teaching method might work for some, but others might thrive best with workshop-style learning. Some interact well in groups, others need more one-on-ones. Some have already mastered the foundations of a subject and need to move onto the next level, others need more review and depth. This is especially critical in Arabic, Quran and Islamic Studies, for adults or children. Virtual learning can allow a more tailored approach where the student's individual learning style is taken into account. This is why, at Studio Arabiya, we offer one-on-one classes that are self-paced, according to each student's level and needs when they start their class and as they progress through it. Our innovative, interactive online student portal further gives our students a completely customized experience to help each of them in their unique quest for knowledge.


There are many factors that should be taken into account to determine whether a physical place is safe or not (location, attendance, parking area, timing of the program, company, security services, etc.), but one thing that we have learnt with the COVID-19 pandemic is that there is another aspect of safety that now needs to be considered as well. In general, it is safe to say (no pun intended) that, in many places around the globe, it is still safer (in some areas even still mandated) to stay at home except for necessary outings. One might argue that education and knowledge are a necessity, and they definitely are, but with virtual learning, there is the option to stay at home and still learn, so that we can continue to all work together to fight this pandemic the best we can, God willing.  There are so many benefits to virtual learning, especially as we adapt to an ever-changing world. Research has actually shown that virtual learning can be just as effective as - if not more than - traditional, in-person education, especially as we continue to see incredible developments in the field, making the experience very humane and easy. Virtual learning has so much to offer if you give it a chance and do your homework to find the program that's right for you. Stay tuned for an upcoming blog article on exactly this topic!


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