The Spring of My Heart

Spring is such a lovely season... a time of freshness, color, beauty and growth.  Flowers begin to bud and blossom, birds return home to sing their songs, and chilly and dark days are replaced by days of sun and warmth.

It is also a time of hope and renewal - of feeling that we too, like Nature around us, can refresh and renew ourselves after a long spiritual winter.

One of my favorite duas [supplications] of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is the following:

اللهم اجعل القرآن ربيع قلوبنا

"Allahumma ij'al al-Qurana rabee'a quloobinaa..."


O Allah, make the Quran the spring of our hearts.

This is part of a longer supplication we are recommended to say in times of grief and worry.

What beautiful imagery! Imagine our hearts in the full bloom of awareness of Divine beauty; renewed, vibrant, a place of tranquility, warmth and delight.  Imagine finding such solace, comfort and happiness in the Quran. What beauty we would house within, and what beauty we would manifest in our deeds and words!

Let us try to make this dua' often, especially as we see Spring time in bloom around us.  O Allah, make us such people who possess beautiful hearts, filled with Your words and remembrance.  Ameen.


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